Kalina Marzec

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For me, conservation of Alina Szapocznikow’s sculpture was both an honour and a great challenge. Work on Climbing, a sculpture created in a material difficult for conservation, required a lot of patience and insight, not only in the search for appropriate measures to protect the reinforced concrete structure. Reconstruction of an abstract form in the light of scanty comparative sources also proved to be quite a challenge for a young conservator. I hope I was able to rise to it.

Kalina Marzec

B. 1986; studied at the Faculty of Conservation and Restoration of Works of Art of the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw in the years 2007–2013. Speaker at the international conference Our Modern: Re-Appropriating Vulnerable 20th Century Heritage in Dubrovnik (2013), and The 2nd International Student Conference on Conservation and Restoration of Works of Art (2013). Artistically active in the fields of sculpture and drawing.